11.1 / The Workshop / Bruton — Somerset

The Philosophy

There are very few letterpress facilities remaining in the British Isles & even fewer experts to instruct. Conceived & directed by leading typographic practitioner Kelvyn Smith & letterpress maestro Alan Kitching: The New Typography Workshop is a new – hands-on – school of design & typography with letterpress at its core. It offers art directors, artists, designers, printmakers & students the opportunity to study typography & work closely with wood letter & metal type, letterpress materials & printing equipment.

The school offers a series of one & two-day classes each month as well as two intense five-day Summer Schools. Business & corporate workshops are also offered to suit the requirements of the parties concerned.

There are very few letterpress facilities remaining in the British Isles & even fewer experts to instruct. Conceived & directed by leading typographic practitioner Kelvyn Smith & letterpress maestro Alan Kitching: The New Typography Workshop is a new – hands-on – school of design & typography with letterpress at its core. It offers art directors, artists, designers, printmakers & students the opportunity to study typography & work closely with wood letter & metal type, letterpress materials & printing equipment.

The school offers a series of one & two-day classes each month as well as two intense five-day Summer Schools. Business & corporate workshops are also offered to suit the requirements of the parties concerned.

The origins of the Workshop

Alan Kitching established original The Typography Workshop at Clerkenwell in London in 1989. The workshop was dedicated exclusively to letterpress printing. It used both metal & wood block types only. There was never any use of any plates or photo engraved blocks, but occasionally printed from lino-cuts & hand cut card. Kelvyn Smith joined in January 1991 as Alan’s first assistant & worked at The Typography Workshop for 5 years. All of the equipment described here has now been acquired for use in The New Typography Workshop — Somerset.

The original printing press & types were bought in the mid 80s by Omnific design studio of which Alan was a partner with Derek Birdsall. The press was then housed in the studio which was in Highbury Islington in North London. The equipment was purchased from the Stephenson & Blake & Co foundry in Sheffield, England (closed down c.1985). S&B was the oldest type foundry in Britain since 1841: but its heritage reaches back to Wynkyn de Worde in 1500, who was the successor to England’s first printer, William Caxton; who began printing in the precincts of Westminster Abbey by the Thames in London.

At this time the workshop was equipped with the S&B ‘Western’ A1 size proofing press with powered inking. It subsequently acquired a smaller Vandercook press. It also has a small gallery press for proofing and proof-reading  & for a short time a very large Double Crown Albion press which was eventually donated to the Royal College of Art: where Alan had been running his own letterpress workshops for a number of years.

The types which were initially bought are some of the classic English faces; Thorne Shaded, Marina Script, Modern 20, Caslon Old Face & a very early small decorative English type called Union Pearl; cast only in one size of 22pt. It carried types from Monotype such as Eric Gill’s Joanna, Walbaum & Poliphilus. It also had a selection of different size founts of Futura in various weights.

In addition, the workshop also has a large collection of wood block letter founts. These are the usual English poster types with sizes ranging from 4 line up to 50 line in many type styles from extra condensed to bold expanded. Most of the these founts are in capitals only, a few of the smaller sizes are in upper & lower-case. It also has some sizes of Rudolph Koch’s Kabel & Berthold Wolpe’s Albertus.


Metal Type

Stephenson Blake founders type fom 8 – 72pt:
Caslon Old Face, Caslon Old Face Italic, Chisel, Engraver’s Shaded, Fry’s Ornamented, Futura Light, Futura Medium, Futura Demi-Bold, Futura Bold, Grotesque 6, Marina & Palace Script, Modern 20, Modern 20 Italic, Thorne Shaded, Union Pearl.
Monotype 6 – 72pt:
Albertus, Blado Italic, Bodoni, Bodoni Bold,  Clarendon, Clarendon Bold, Gill Sans, Gill Sans Bold, Joanna, Joanna Italic, Pegasus, Poliphilus, Spartan, Univers, Walbaum, Walbaum Italic.
Wood Letter
A wide selection of Grotesques & Eygptions – from Narrow to Expanded, plus Albertus, some Roman & Italics & a few ‘exotics’ ranging from 4 line to 50 line.
The Presses
Stephenson Blake – Model R234
Sheet size: 594 x 841 mm (A1)
Vandercook No.4
Sheet size: 365 x 460 mm
Farley Galley Proofing Press
Sheet size: 300 x 500 mm
Small Platen Hand-Press
Sheet size: 210 x 148 mm (A5)
(Provenance: Professor Herbert Spencer)

Course Director — Kelvyn Smith

Mr Smith is a craftsman, designer, typographer, printmaker, wordsmith & maker — he is of strong temperament & is chiefly concerned with good design, attention to detail, thorough practice & quality workmanship — he creates exquisitely crafted contemporary typographic printed matter using wood letter & metal type in his Letterpress workshop.
‘Smith’s Rules’ is the philosophy applied to the work undertaken – less of a dogma – more of a guide: a series of starting points & procedures implemented by the workshop materials themselves. It is also the imprint under which Mr Smith publishes work.
Smith’s Rules takes numerous forms & sets out to explore visual ideas in response to graphic language, problem solving, story telling, typographic prescription & the letterpress process. They are always ‘designed, hand-set & printed’ by Mr Smith in his Kennington workshop.

The Schedule

Spring/Summer/Autumn 2022
Details & Dates to be confirmed
After four years in Iliffe Yard in Kennington, The New Typography Workshop is packing up & leaving London. It will be re-configured in 2022 in Bruton, Somerset. Classes will be re-designed & re-structured to accommodate a new approach, new ideas & a new environment.

Kelvyn Laurence Smith will continue to direct & run the classes & Alan Kitching will be making ongoing visits. We will continue to update you on developments.

2022 One & Two-Day Gift Vouchers can be purchased for any of the soon to be listed classes — but details of the days & dates are yet to be confirmed please register & pay here

For any questions / problems or enquiries — email study@newtypographyworkshop.com

The Schedule
Spring/Summer/Autumn 2022
Details & Dates to be confirmed
The One-Day Course / 2022
One Friday in
June / July / August / September / October 2022
The Two-Day Course / 2022
One Friday & Saturday in
June / July / August / September / October 2022
The Early Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday June 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop
The Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday August 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop
Gift Vouchers can be used for the listed
One & Two & Four-Day Courses —
details of days & dates to be confirmed soon.
(Fees will remain at 2019 prices)

The Two-Day Course

Spring / Summer 2022

An intense two-day course, designed for beginners from all professional backgrounds to work closely with wood letter & metal type, letterpress materials & printing equipment.

The Two-Day Course

offers its participants a unique opportunity to develop an understanding of typography & design through the use of the traditional materials & processes used in letterpress.

The workshop is typographically driven – you will be introduced to the fundamental procedures of metal type setting & wood letter composition & through a simple series of exercises: begin to explore the possibilities of letterpress techniques & visual ideas; experiment with ink & understand the basics of printmaking paper.

The second day allows the students to develop a more thorough outcome.

Details & Dates (to be confirmed)

The two-day workshop is £450 per person (prices are currently frozen from 2019 prices). There are a maximum of 5 places in each workshop. This keeps the classes focused & intimate.
Full payment will secure a place. Please register & pay here (& select ‘Two-Day Course’).
Purchase Orders can be raised & a receipt will be issued on payment.
For any questions & payment details, please email study@newtypographyworkshop.com
The Two-Day Course / 2022 Gift Voucher. Can be used for all listed Two-Day Workshops throughout 2022 (dates to be confirmed).
Cancellations must be 5 days before the beginning of the workshop otherwise a heavy penalty of will be retained! This might sound a little brutal & we understand that things can often change but last minute cancellations can effect the other students & the dynamic of the classes. We have the right to postpone courses due to illness or emergencies.
Workshop Programme
Day One
10:00 – 17:00
1. Workshop introduction
2. Workshop tour

3. Measurement systems
4. Methods & organisation of work
5. Workshop practicewood letter & metal type
6. Creative typographic exercise
7. Designing with letterpress
8. Two-day project brief
Day Two
10:00 – 17:00
1. Research & design application
2. Mixing Inks & Colour Theory
3. Understanding Printmaking papers
4. Design, setting & printing the project
5. Final discussion & feedback:
(with visiting consultant)

Workshop Curriculum
A majority of the curriculum will be covered in
The Intermediate course
Methods & Organisation of work
workshop limitations
workshop organisation & rules
Basic elements & tools
in hand setting practice
printing types
word spacing material
composing sticks
Measurement systems
the point system
standard line
Workshop work
type cases
the lay of the double case
methods of setting
Method of proofing
building the forme
using the proofing press
cleaning materials
correction signs
correction to the metal
Printing presses
lever joint presses
platen presses: clamshell & parallel
cylinder presses
raw materials
standard & non-standard sizes
trimmed / untrimmed
paper weight (gsm)
the Pantone system
mixing ink
colour theory
key texts

The Two-Day Course

The Early Summer School 2022

The Early Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday June 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop

An intense four-day course, designed to allow art directors, artists, designers, printmakers & students to work closely with wood letter & metal type, letterpress materials & printing equipment.

The Early Summer School

offers its participants a unique opportunity to develop an understanding of typography & design through the use of the traditional materials & processes used in letterpress.

The workshop is typographically driven – you will be introduced to the fundamental procedures of metal type setting & wood letter composition & through a simple series of exercises: begin to explore the possibilities of letterpress techniques & visual ideas; experiment with ink & understand the basics of printmaking paper.

Over the four days you will develop, design & hand-set a series of printed pieces that explore graphic ideas & visual solutions; explore composition, hierarchy, scale & colour; examine the importance of the history of design, typography & printing in the context of the outcome. the history of the book & the poster are examined for a specific ‘unbound’ project.

Workshop Programme

Day One
10:00 – 17:00

1. Workshop introduction
2. Workshop tour

3. Measurement systems
4. Methods & organisation of work
5. Workshop practice with wood letter
6. Creative typographic exercise

Day Two
10:00 – 17:00

1. Designing with letterpress
2. Proofing Type
3. Working with the Galley Press
4. One-day project wood letter brief
5. Designing, setting & printing

Day Three
10:00 – 17:00

1. Three-day project brief
2. Research & design application
3. Workshop practice with metal type
4. Mixing Inks & Colour Theory
5. Designing & hand-setting the project

Day Four
10:00 – 17:00

1. Three-day project brief
2. Research & design application
3. Understanding Printmaking papers
4. Printing the project
5. Final discussion & feedback:
(with visiting consultant)
The Early Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday June 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop

An intense four-day course, designed to allow art directors, artists, designers, printmakers & students to work closely with wood letter & metal type, letterpress materials & printing equipment.

The Early Summer School

offers its participants a unique opportunity to develop an understanding of typography & design through the use of the traditional materials & processes used in letterpress.

The workshop is typographically driven – you will be introduced to the fundamental procedures of metal type setting & wood letter composition & through a simple series of exercises: begin to explore the possibilities of letterpress techniques & visual ideas; experiment with ink & understand the basics of printmaking paper.

Over the four days you will develop, design & hand-set a series of printed pieces that explore graphic ideas & visual solutions; explore composition, hierarchy, scale & colour; examine the importance of the history of design, typography & printing in the context of the outcome. the history of the book & the poster are examined for a specific ‘unbound’ project.

Workshop Programme

Day One
10:00 – 17:00

1. Workshop introduction
2. Workshop tour

3. Measurement systems
4. Methods & organisation of work
5. Workshop practice with wood letter
6. Creative typographic exercise

Day Two
10:00 – 17:00

1. Designing with letterpress
2. Proofing Type
3. Working with the Galley Press
4. One-day project wood letter brief
5. Designing, setting & printing

Day Three
10:00 – 17:00

1. Three-day project brief
2. Research & design application
3. Workshop practice with metal type
4. Mixing Inks & Colour Theory
5. Designing & hand-setting the project

Day Four
10:00 – 17:00

1. Three-day project brief
2. Research & design application
3. Understanding Printmaking papers
4. Printing the project
5. Final discussion & feedback:
(with visiting consultant)
Workshop Curriculum
The complete curriculum will be covered in
The Early Summer School
Methods & Organisation of work
workshop limitations
workshop organisation & rules
Basic elements & tools
in hand setting practice
printing types
word spacing material
composing sticks
Measurement systems
the point system
standard line
Workshop work
type cases
the lay of the double case
methods of setting
Method of proofing
building the forme
using the proofing press
cleaning materials
correction signs
correction to the metal
Printing presses
lever joint presses
platen presses: clamshell & parallel
cylinder presses
raw materials
standard & non-standard sizes
trimmed / untrimmed
paper weight (gsm)
the Pantone system
mixing ink
colour theory
key texts

The four-day workshop is £800 per person. There are a maximum of 5 places in each workshop. This keeps the classes focused & intimate.
Full payment will secure a place (& is fully refundable*). Please Pay here (& select The Early Summer School / 2022). Purchase Orders can be raised & a receipt will be issued on payment. For any questions & payment details, please email  study@newtypographyworkshop.com
*Cancellations must be 5 days before the beginning of the workshop otherwise a heavy penalty of 50% will be retained! This might sound a little brutal & we understand that things can often change but last minute cancellations can effect the other students & the dynamic of the classes.
Workshop Curriculum
The complete curriculum will be covered in
The Early Summer School
Methods & Organisation of work
workshop limitations
workshop organisation & rules
Basic elements & tools
in hand setting practice
printing types
word spacing material
composing sticks
Measurement systems
the point system
standard line
Workshop work
type cases
the lay of the double case
methods of setting
Method of proofing
building the forme
using the proofing press
cleaning materials
correction signs
correction to the metal
Printing presses
lever joint presses
platen presses: clamshell & parallel
cylinder presses
raw materials
standard & non-standard sizes
trimmed / untrimmed
paper weight (gsm)
the Pantone system
mixing ink
colour theory
key texts

The four-day workshop is £800 per person. There are a maximum of 5 places in each workshop. This keeps the classes focused & intimate.
Full payment will secure a place (& is fully refundable*). Please Pay here (& select The Early Summer School / 2022). Purchase Orders can be raised & a receipt will be issued on payment. For any questions & payment details, please email  study@newtypographyworkshop.com
*Cancellations must be 5 days before the beginning of the workshop otherwise a heavy penalty of 50% will be retained! This might sound a little brutal & we understand that things can often change but last minute cancellations can effect the other students & the dynamic of the classes.

Gift Voucher 2022

Two-Day Gift Voucher 2022

The One-Day Gift Voucher 2022
These can be used for the listed One-Day Courses
(details of days & dates to be confirmed soonish)

(Fees will remain at 2019 prices)
Pay here (& select
The One-Day Course / Gift Voucher 2022)
The Two-Day Gift Voucher 2022
These can be used for the listed Two-Day Courses
(details of days & dates to be confirmed soonish)
(Fees will remain at 2019 prices)
Pay here (& select
The Two-Day Course / Gift Voucher 2022)
The Early Summer School Gift Voucher 2022
The Early Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday June 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop
These can be used for the listed Four-Day Course
(details of days & dates to be confirmed soonish)

(Fees will remain at 2019 prices)
Pay here (& select
The Early Summer School / Gift Voucher 2022)
The Summer School Gift Voucher 2022
The Summer School / 2022
Tuesday – Friday August 2022 /
Four-Day Workshop
These can be used for the listed Four-Day Course
(details of days & dates to be confirmed soonish)

(Fees will remain at 2019 prices)
Pay here (& select
The Summer School / Gift Voucher 2022)
For any questions / problems & payment details,
please email study@newtypographyworkshop.com


The New Typography Workshop
Unit 5 / Riverside
Station Road Industrial Estate
Bruton / Somerset BA10 0EH
instagram / facebook

Getting to the Workshop

The workshop is very near the Bruton Train Station. Mainline trains from Paddington & Waterloo & Bath & Bristol will deliver you to Bruton (with some chopping & changing at Sailsbury or Castle Carey). You can park in the yard if you are driving & there are secure bike racks if you fancy getting the bike out.


Alumni 2021

Michelle Dwyer
Jude Gibbons
Ellen Gray
Jumana Kocache
Charlotte McGuinnes
Lorna McIlroy
Mark Noad
Andrew Reaney
Kelly Reemtsen
Marisa Renzullo
David Shaw
Kara Sims

Alumni 2020

Sarah Mansell
Chris Ribet
Cleo Schneider

Alumni 2019

Matt Alchin
(Illustration students & staff )
Nicky Barneby
Rupert Bassett
Julia Blom
Catherine Bridger
Nicola Dunbar
Noah Foley
Rachel Holland
Emma Jeffery
Dicky Milson
Valentina Moccia
Joana Paranhos
Esme Power
Kara Sims
Adam Smith
Mark Starbuck
Urvashi Suraiya
Nil Thyrion
Anna Wanitschke
Erica Wolfe-Murray
Marina Wood
Linda Yoon

Alumni 2018

Mary Asiedu
Sarah Boris
Kathryn Forster
Phil Gambrill
(Hoffmitz Milken Centre for Typography)
Mark Hudson
James Isaacs
Simon Johnston
Gloria Kondrup
Sue Lansdown
Anastasios Maragiannis
Toshi Omagari
Chris Ribet
Julie Strawson
Jim Sutherland
Sarah Targett
Rosey Trickett